Although called Dynamic Client Registration, this feature only allows the registration of applications. Resource servers are out of scope.


  1. A ResourceServer must be created on the Realm and must have the Community ExternalAuthServer.
  2. This ResourceServer must be assigned to the Realm.resource_server field
  3. The cym.client_registration scopes must be created on the Realm and must be assigned to the Realm.resource_server


Dynamic Client Registration allows a consumer to register new Applications on the Realm. The goal can be to automate a manual process, or to link your API Gateway/Developer Portal to your external identity.
The Dynamic Client Registration Resource is an oAuth2 Protected resource, which is hosted by a Resource Server with the community as its External Auth Server

Supported Attributes

response_typesYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
grant_typesYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
redirect_urisYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
application_typeYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
contactsNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
client_nameYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
logo_uriNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
client_uriNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
policy_uriNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
tos_uriNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
subject_typeYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
token_endpoint_auth_methodYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
token_endpoint_auth_signing_algNoOnly if the token_endpoint_auth_methods include private_key_jwt or client_secret_jwt.
Follows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
introspection_endpoint_auth_methodYesFollows the definition from OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata
introspection_endpoint_auth_signing_algYesOnly if the introspection_endpoint_auth_method include private_key_jwt or client_secret_jwt.
revocation_endpoint_auth_methodYesFollows the definition from OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata
revocation_endpoint_auth_signing_algYesOnly if the revocation_endpoint_auth_method include private_key_jwt or client_secret_jwt.
post_logout_redirect_urisNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
frontchannel_logout_uriNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
frontchannel_logout_session_requiredNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
jwksNoRequired if token_endpoint_auth_methods, revocation_endpoint_auth_method or introspection_endpoint_auth_method has value private_key_jwt.
Follows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
id_token_signed_response_algYesFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
default_acr_valuesNoFollows the definition from OpenID Dynamic Client Registration