You can deploy APIs on Mulesoft Anypoint and configure it to validate access_tokens generated by CYM-Identity.
Create a Resource Server for your Mule Application

JWT Validation Policy

JWT OriginAccess tokens generated by CYM-Identity are Bearer tokens. You can pass them as a different header, but it's just a recommendation to use Bearer Authentication in the Authorization header. This will allow your API to look familiar to other developers who are used to using Bearer Tokens.
JWT Signing MethodCYM-Identity only supports RSA
JWT Signing Key LengthUse the value which maps to the access token signing alg configured for your Resource Server
JWT Key OriginWe strongly recommend to use the JWKS URL. It allows for easier management of key rotation
JWKS URLURL for your Realm's JWKS. Make sure to use the same Realm as the Resource Server (https://{realm.url}/oauth/{}/jwks)
JWKS Caching Time To LiveThis will depend on how often you rotate your JWKS.
Skip Client ID ValidationWe strongly recommend to let Anypoint validate the client_id of the calling application. This allows you to tap into the native security policies of Anypoint. In order to do this, refer to the Client Registration section below
Client ID ExpressionYou can use the default behavior #[vars.claimSet.client_id]
Validate Audience ClaimWe strongly recommend to let Anypoint validate the aud parameter. You'll need to configure it to match the client_id of your Resource Server
Validate Expiration ClaimWe strongly recommend to let Anypoint validate the exp parameter.
Validate Not Before ClaimWe strongly recommend to let Anypoint validate the nbf parameter.
Validate Custom ClaimYou can add more validation rules that would apply. Use the below best practices for an enhanced security

Best practices

JWT typ

An API shall only be accessed using JWT tokens which represents access_tokens as per JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens
You should only accept JWTs where typ == 'at+jwt'


Not all access_tokens allow API access. You should add validation on the scopes (scp claim on the JWT body) of each access_token received.
For example, you can validate the scp parameter of the JWT and only allow methods which were granted. You can map a scp: [''] to only allow GET methods on your API

Client Registration

You can configure CYM-Identity and Mulesoft Anypoint to provision the same client in both systems. This process allows you to strongly validate and control access to API on Anypoint

CYM-Identity as entry point

coming soon :)

Mulesoft Anypoint as entry point

coming soon :)